Thursday, October 10, 2013

New classmates added, venue almost ready

In the busyness of autumn and a new school year, this site has suffered from a lack of updates the last month. More exciting news is soon to come -- we are stalled by a final few financial details that are nearly resolved so we can book a venue for our reunion. Look for news on this soon along with pictures and descriptions of drinks, food, and events surrounding the big weekend. It's coming more quickly than we realize.

Also, thanks to Mark Angell, Melissa Hastings (Bock), Brielle Brauner, Annie Frith, and Joshua Harris for sending updates. Their information is posted on the Classmates page. Keep the updates coming. If you haven't sent us your information yet, sign up today. It only takes a few minutes to help your classmates get reacquainted with your current life.